Alex Schenker

Alex has been involved on the business side of the internet since the early 2000's. He holds both a Management Science degree from the University of California at San Diego as well as a Computer Science degree from NJIT. We Rock Your Web had its roots back in 2004 as the tech blog for a web design and development company Alex founded that has grown and evolved into the parent company of We Rock Your Web. While his foundation is rooted in web development, his expertise today lies in content and digital marketing, SEO, organic and paid search, analytics, and publishing. Alex is an avid tennis player, nature enthusiast, and hiker, and enjoys spending time with his wife, friends, and dogs.

indiegogo vs kickstarter

Indiegogo Vs Kickstarter: Who Wins This Crowdfunding Showdown?

Crowdfunding takes the “crowd” element that has been applied to many Internet based ventures (such as cloud computing, online petitions, etc.) and applies it to the funding of dreams and projects that would not be able to raise the needed funds with just typical, local connections. We compare two of the leading crowdfunding platforms, Kickstarter and Indiegogo, and give you the pros and cons for each, so you can maximize the chances that your project will get funded.

Indiegogo Vs Kickstarter: Who Wins This Crowdfunding Showdown? Read More »

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Google Analytics: How To Unlock “Keyword Not Provided” Keywords

Google Analytics used to show all the keywords searchers were typing in to find your site. But this changed many years ago when privacy concerns started to impact how much tracking of user searching was allowed. Today it’s gotten to the point where Analytics is primarily used for publishers to determine traffic, vs the keywords being used to locate your product or service. Don’t worry, our experts will show you a way around this limitation.

Google Analytics: How To Unlock “Keyword Not Provided” Keywords Read More »


Chapter 3: Website Optimization – Security, Backup, and Experience

Now that you’ve got your website up and running using the steps outlined in Chapter 2 of our How to Create a Website series, you’ll want to make sure it stays online, loads quickly, looks the same regardless of browser or device, and doesn’t get hacked. In this chapter we’ll look at security considerations, backup services, website speed, user experience, responsive design (mobile), browser compatibility testing, and more. This may sound like a lot of big words, but these are crucial elements to making your visitors happy and we will break it down into easy to understand bites…

Chapter 3: Website Optimization – Security, Backup, and Experience Read More »

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Adsense Alternatives: vs Adsense vs Chitika vs BuySellAds vs Infolinks vs Bidvertiser & More

As a web publisher, you want to maximize revenue to pay for all the time and effort you’re putting into creating a highly trafficked, content-rich site. While creating engaging content and making sure your site is maintained properly is important, those tactics don’t give you an immediate return on the investment of your time and money. Let’s explore PPC as a quick and easy solution to earning money by allowing companies to advertise on your site and read our reviews of the most popular PPC platforms to find the best one for your bottomline…

Adsense Alternatives: vs Adsense vs Chitika vs BuySellAds vs Infolinks vs Bidvertiser & More Read More »

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5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Buying a Domain Name

Buying a new domain name might seem like the quickest and easiest part of launching your business online. But that’s where it can get dangerous – because your domain name is like your street address; actually more than that – it’s the deed to the property. If you lose control of it, you lose control of your entire online business, which can be a disaster. So don’t skip on the domain name step. Okay, then how to register a domain name you ask? I’ll take you through all the steps involved in securing your domain name, from finding if it’s available, researching the best alternatives if it’s not, buying it from a reliable vendor, and managing it down the road. I’ll help you avoid nightmare scenarios where you lose control of your domain name, or even worse, a competitors snaps it up, and your sales go to zero overnight. With a little preparation, it’s easy to avoid these pitfalls. I’m also prepared to answer any questions you have along the way…

5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Buying a Domain Name Read More »

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