Help! What is Digital Line Detect DLD exe?

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Drawing question markIs Digital Line Detect (DLG.Exe) a necessary Windows process? No, in fact, it’s made by the same company (BVRP) responsible for known spyware applications.  In this case, the Digital Line Detect process is part of the Phone Tools Software Suite – offering emailing, faxing, and phone book utilities.  If you don’t recognize this you’re probably not using it – and it’s safe to say you can remove it via Add/ Remove Programs without running into problems.  In fact, it’s probably not a bad idea, especially if the program has access to the Internet.

Does my PC Have DLG.exe?

Digital Line Detect is typically pre-installed on Dell computers, and PC’s that come with Conexant or Broadcom modem drivers. If you have a Dell PC or laptop, chances are you’ve got Digital Line Detect (you can find out by hitting Ctrl+Alt+Del on your keyboard, click on the “processes” tab, and seeing if you see DLG.exe running).

What Does Digital Line Detect do?

DLG is used to detect when your PC is connected to a digital telephone line. It also auto starts on PC’s that have it installed, so the only way to get rid of it is to uninstall it. Chances are, you don’t have your digital phone line connected to your PC.

Should I Remove Digital Line Detect?

DLG.exe, or Digital Line Detect, is safe to remove. In fact, it’s a good idea since we’ve received reports of the process being not only unstable, but older versions of it may be infected with spyware. Given that it hardly serves a purpose anymore in the era of broadband Internet connections, you most likely won’t miss it.

How to Uninstall Digital Line Detect?

To uninstall DLG, you’ll need to:

  • Type Ctrl+Alt+Del keys, then locate DLG.exe under the “processes” tab, right-click it, and kill/ abort it.
  • Browse to your Start Menu > Run > type in “msconfig.exe”, locate DLG.exe in the “startup” list, and remove it.
  • Do a file search on your harddrive and remove any instances of the filename “DLG.exe”
  • Finally, if you have any modem or phone software or drivers (such as BVRP), open them, and disable the “DLG.exe” as an autostart option. If you’re not using the software, uninstalling it will do the trick as well.

If you’re still having troubles, consider trying the Secure Uninstaller described below, or comment after this article with details and we’ll try and help you troubleshoot.

Tired of Unwanted Software?

Want to get rid of unnecessary software such as Digital Line Detect for good? First, find the unwanted applications by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys simultaneously on your keyboard (Windows O/S). This will bring up your “Task Manager.” From here, click on the “Processes” tab and see if you see any running processes you don’t recognize. The “Description” column will list the application name of the process. If you do, do a search on them to find out if they’re legitimate and necessary.

If it turns out they’re not, simply remove them according to the instructions above, substituting in the process you’re running in lieu of Digital Line Detect.

Keep Your PC Clean

Did you know that when you install an application, numerous files and entries are created and distributed all over your PC? The Digital Line Detect that shipped with your laptop is not the only software that came pre-installed. Before you know it, your computer is one massively heavy, bloated system filled with completely unnecessary – and potentially unsafe – files.

So the next time you think it’s OK to allow unused programs to use your computer as their ‘permanent home’… consider the following problems.

  • Your PC will slow down.
  • Because unneeded software is occupying valuable disk space.
  • Your PC will be prone to errors.
  • When you install a program, numerous entries are created all over the Windows® registry. If any of these entries get damaged or corrupted, other applications will be harmed and PC error messages will pop up all over the place.
  • You will not be able to upgrade software easily.
  • When you update to a new version of a program, it first tries to uninstall the version currently installed on your PC. If this un-installation is unsuccessful, you will not be able to upgrade to newer versions of that product.
  • Your PC is being drained of important resources.
  • Even though you may not think you are using certain programs, they may be working in the background and hogging important system resources such as memory resources, network resources, and others.
  • Your system will be open to security threats. Some applications – especially the ones that are hard to uninstall! – embed malicious codes that serve to open your system to hack attacks. Others put codes that tend to spy on what you’re doing, making you vulnerable to identity theft.

To prevent all the above problems, you should be sure to clean your PC and get rid of every piece of software that you do not use. Uninstall unused, damaged or unwanted programs on a regular basis.

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